A spiritual community is not just a gathering place, it is a portal for the Divine, a beacon of Love, Light, Clarity, Joy, and Awakening. It is a living testament to what happens when people come together with intention, vision, and a willingness to embody the sacred. This house, The House that Spirit Built, is not made of walls and floors, but of consciousness, devotion, and the commitment of those who stand within it.
Spirit does not call us to stand on the sidelines of our own becoming. It calls us to awaken to recognize that each of us holds a divine blueprint, a sacred responsibility in the building of something extraordinary. Some are called to lead, others to support, some to teach, others to heal, some to give, and others to hold the highest watch of faith. But none are called to wait for someone else to carry the vision forward. This house thrives only when we each take radical responsibility for the part that is uniquely ours to do. We are not just members of a community, we are architects of a spiritual revolution.
So the question is not "What will this community become?" The question is "Who will we become within it?" Will we be seekers or builders? Witnesses or way-showers? Dreamers or doers? Spirit does not ask for perfection, it asks for participation. This is your house, your sacred portal, your place of becoming. And so, Spirit asks: What is yours to do? And will you answer?