This is the transcript of a talk given at Center for Spiritual Living Prescott on August 6, 2023 by Rev. Tracey Harrick.
You can also experience this talk by watching the video or listening to it on our podcast, Love Spoken Here.
Good morning. Good morning, Prescott and our virtual family. We are so happy that you are with us today and we are blessed that you took the time to give this gift to yourself. Hazel and I were having this discussion about, to those who are given much, much is required. And what we had this brief conversation, which always changes my talk, but I have to talk about it is that that part that is required is the part you give to yourself. What is required is the dedication and the time that you get to know thyself, to give to thyself, to uncover thyself, which goes along with our talk today. The other second beautiful synchronicity is my e-mail, or one of them is inspired Rev. The inspired Rev. My license plate says inspired Rev. and we were coming out of the office and what is on the office door: inspired. One mind, right? If that doesn't tell you I'm supposed to be here, I will. I'm supposed to be here.
And you know this week at work I had an interaction with my boss and I can sometimes take things a little personally. And she was so loving, but my little mind was stuck in worry about something that wasn't even happening. I made it all up. And I went to talk to my husband and he's like, is that really what happened? Yes, why aren’t you listening to me? The tears, the tears are coming, you know. I'm trying to make a decision about how all of this will work. And of the voice in my mind said, why do you toil, even my lilies don't toil. They are fed, they are, they are nurtured. They are. The sun shines on them, and in that moment a stillness came over me and I made a decision. And I and I made a decision that this was brought to me and I get to step into it fully. And I know that fear is the mind and the worry, and love is the voice resonant. You know, and to be fully present. I have goose bumpies so I know I'm telling you the truth ‘cause I have goose bumpies. But it was such a beautiful thing because, you know, for me, leaving everything that I believe that I have worked for eight years at a company and this and this, I call it false sense of security, because is it security at work? No, but wait. But the little mind likes to think there is, and so I decided, no, you know, it's time for me to step into that dream. The door opened. The silence came. And my teacher, one of my teachers, Glory G Hummingbird, such a beautiful name, she's like see Tracey, I've been watching you and our little group chat be in your mind for a whole week and I am calling you out. She's like, I know you need dental work and you need the insurance and you need and your husband needs to feel safe. But you know what? What got you here? And I was like oh the voice resonant. So I was able to look at my mind and I share that story with you, and I will often share stories with you because finding that higher self and knowing thyself is your experience and letting you know that you are not alone. This what the little mind does to us. It makes us feel like we're not alone, right. And what resonant, the voice resonant says is there is one mind which Hazel reminded me of this morning. And I thought, oh, that is the OK, I'm going to the turtle, the raddest way to understand that, right? That we are in it. We are not separate from it, but the little mind creates division and separation. There's you and me, but there isn't. There is one mind, but when we're looking from it, from the aspect of the little mind, the personality self, the voice that is worry then we create too. But if we understand the wholeness, then there is only one and so this is something else my teacher said to me she's. I was asking her a question yesterday in our little zoom meeting. And you know, sometimes when you say something and you think you sound so profound and a good teacher will go well, I just have one thing to say about that.
She's like, yeah, you know,Tracy, I can see it that way, but I kind of just look at everything as the whole. And I was like, Oh, there's my divisiveness, right. And the thing that I love and encourage about classes and sitting up in front of somebody who has done the work is that to learn to speak freely so they can catch those deep seated and held beliefs that we're speaking from, and I can tell you when you're afraid to speak, cause they're gonna catch you, that's when you should speak because that is the mind telling you to hide and the voice resonant is telling you to say it so someone can show you that's where it's at. And as soon as you hear it, shift changes, Shift. It's a total shift. A higher consciousness reveals itself, and you walk out the door and the sun is shining on you. And you're like ohh. And then you're driving down the freeway and someone cuts you off and you're like where did that go, but where did it go? It didn’t go anywhere. It takes time, it takes time to move. Habitually, for eons or lifetimes, if you will, we have given all of our attention to the objective world and very little to the subjective world. And so this is our habit to go out. So you are yourself already, but the habit is to believe that you are the name and conditions and theories and philosophies that you were groomed to be. But the truth is the only thing that we need to realize is that it is the lie, and you are the truth. You are already in the EAC and man, we're going to have a good time, right? We are going to have a good time.
I want you to wake up, wake up to truly who you are. The presence is fulfilling. It fills you up. It does not empty you. If you are feeling empty, you are caught in mind. Phone a friend. Man, I'm worried about something. I'm caught in mind. Can you get me back? Can you can you just point me in the right direction? And I'm telling you, when you're in the mind you don't really want direction. You don't. You want someone. I play a good victim. And my teacher Tom is like maybe we just got a little victim going on and he was very gentle about it in the beginning, cause I didn't really know that that's the approach or the personality that I had developed towards life. And as he unfolded this over three years and now I can totally see it and feel it and it's not that I want to push it away anymore. Before I wanted to run from the victim. I didn't want anyone to see that I felt like a victim and I wanted to hide it. And you build this spiritual piety where you don't let anyone help you. You're like I'm a practitioner, you know, or I'm a minister and you and you go into these meetings or, you know, and you and you're kind of full of yourself, but in a different way. And then that too is a next step on the rung. And then that gets dissolved until it's finally all purified, because it's all brought home. And all is revealed by showing you that you have made no mistakes. You have done nothing wrong. There is not one thing that you can do that would ever make you not who you truly are.