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CSLP Newsletter for March 2024

Clay Smith

Updated: Mar 7, 2024

Hi everybody, and welcome to the new format of CSLP's monthly newsletter. This is a work in progress, and I welcome your feedback, so please email me at if you have any questions or comments. Moving forward, our newsletter will be available on our website at and we'll make an announcement on our Facebook page whenever a new edition is available!


March Classes and Events

Essential Ernest Holmes

Essential Ernest Holmes starts this month. It's an accredited class taught by Sandy Kimmerle and Sharon Tice that will show you how to use the writings of our founder, Ernest Holmes to improve every aspect of your life, from relationships to finances. Tuition is $245 for 8 weeks, every Tuesday at 3pm from March 5 to April 23.

Seeds of Life is a social event celebrating Springtime, hosted by the CSLP hospitality circle. Come for tasty appetizers, a delicious dinner, and great conversations with your friends at CSLP. Sign up in the lobby if you'd like to bring food to share!

Seeds of Life Celebration

Acoustic Eidolon in concert!

The International duo, Acoustic Eidolon is a tour-de-force of acoustic music, described as “World Music for the Soul.” On Thursday, March 14, they return to Prescott for a concert at CSL Prescott. Featuring Joe Scott on double neck guitjo and Hannah Alkire on cello they have graced stages throughout the US, Europe, Australia and Canada.

Come check out the first ever CSLP Rummage Sale, with all proceeds benefiting your Center for Spiritual Living. See what treasures you can find! Donations accepted after Sunday Service or by appointment with Tom (


Practitioner's Corner

Jon C. Haass, RScP
Jon C. Haass, RScP

Leap year and a solar eclipse in March signifies the march of time, with the Sun, Earth and Moon spiraling around the galactic center at a dizzying pace.  Here in Prescott, we have enjoyed some snow as well as plenty of warm sunshine melting it back into the ground.  Bulbs are sending shoots out in anticipation of the coming spring.  All this represents the manifestation of Source – Spirit – God at work and at play.  Inviting each and every person to renew with the season change. 

Our upcoming sale of no longer needed treasures has been an opportunity for us to clear out some items too long stored and rarely used.  Someone else will have a home for a side table, crystal punch bowl and more.  It opens space for light and less clutter.  Physical clutter can keep our minds, hearts and feelings in a state of anxiousness even if it is not understood by the rational thinking. 

For me, taking the time each day and night to practice the quiet of meditation and gratitude reduces my spiritual self from becoming stagnant and overfilled.  I am often drawn to a reading,  or a poem such as Mary Oliver’s "A Summer Day" where she ends with the compelling question,

“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”

This month, what do you vision for your precious life beyond the to do of the daily affairs.  What does your heart long to express?  Consider investing in a class, or lessons in a new language, or volunteering with a group here at the Center.  Ask what is Spirit’s highest vision for my March forward?  Enjoy the coming spring opening.


On the Wall

This month's featured artist is Shelley Lowell, a CSLP member and respected contributor to the Feminist Art movement of the 1970s. Check out her work and learn about her fascinating life in art on her website,

Shelley Lowell: From Whimsical to Metaphysical


Minister's Note

Rev. Tracey Harrick
Rev. Tracey Harrick

As spring brings its promise of renewal and transformation, the winds of change whisper opportunities for growth and evolution within our community. It's a time to set sail on the journey of self-discovery and collective empowerment, guided by the principles outlined in The Fifteen Commitments of Conscious Leadership: A New Paradigm for Success.

In the spirit of sparking collaboration, enthusiasm, curiosity, and courage, we invite our community to embark on this voyage with us, exploring the transformative power of conscious leadership as we navigate towards new horizons. Drawing upon the wisdom encapsulated in these commitments, we chart a course towards greater cohesion, authenticity, and purpose.

At the heart of conscious leadership lies a profound understanding that true success is not merely measured by external achievements, but by the depth of our inner growth and the quality of our relationships. It's about fostering a culture of mindfulness, accountability, and collaboration, where each individual is empowered to lead from a place of authenticity and integrity.

As we delve into the teachings of The Fifteen Commitments, we uncover invaluable insights that serve as guiding stars illuminating our path forward. From embracing radical responsibility to cultivating curiosity and emotional intelligence, these commitments provide a blueprint for personal and collective transformation.

But our journey towards conscious leadership is not one embarked upon in isolation. It's a shared voyage, where each member of our community plays a vital role in shaping the course of our collective destiny. It's an invitation to step into leadership roles, not defined by titles or positions, but by a commitment to embodying the principles of conscious leadership in our daily lives.

As we explore these topics over the coming weeks, I encourage post-talk conversations while you enjoy your snacks in Sibley Hall. Entertain the question: What is mine to do? Share insights and ideas. These conversations will spark collaborations, deepen understanding, and foster a sense of unity within our community.

The books will be available in the bookstore soon, serving as companions on our journey towards conscious leadership. As your Senior Minister, I eagerly anticipate exploring this new paradigm with the community, knowing that together, we will chart a course towards greater fulfillment, authenticity, and connection.

With excitement and anticipation,

In love and Kindness,

Rev. Tracey Harrick


A Month of Sundays

Our Sunday talks for March 2024

March 3rd

Rev. Tracey Harrick

"Fifteen Commitments of Conscious Leadership"

March 10th

Hazel Bowman, RScP

"I Didn't Know I Had it In Me"

March 17th

Rev. Tracey Harrick

"Tell Me Something Good"

March 24th

Jon C. Haass, RScP

"New...Now...What's Next?"

March 31st

Rev. Tracey Harrick

"Don't Go Back to Sleep"

Listen to past talks on our podcast: Love Spoken Here

or watch the Videos


Board Report

Tom Kimmerle, Board President
Tom Kimmerle, Board President

Hello everyone. I wonder how many of you realize what a wonderful Center we have here. I know that sometimes I sound like a broken record, but I am so grateful for our Center. Ernest Holmes says, “I live in the faith that there is a presence and power greater than I am that nurtures and supports me in ways I could not even imagine. I know that this Presence is All-Knowing and All-Power and is Always right where I am.” If I take out the word ‘I’ and put in the word ‘we’, it is where our Center is today.

The Board, myself, and Reverend Tracey, have had to make some changes that were long overdue. With cooperation from our staff, we are again in the process of redefining roles. Everyone is being so supportive with these changes. It is my pleasure to be working with everyone. If anybody has any ideas to better our Center, please speak up.

Ernest Holmes says, “Never limit your view of life by any past experience.” Starting last year our Center has been in the process of change, and believe it or not, change is good. We have cut many expenses and will continue to review everything involving the Center. Rev. Tracey has a tremendous knowledge in finance, and myself and others have a tremendous amount of knowledge in business. Our Practitioners, especially, have a great knowledge of Spirituality. Rev. Tracey has a tremendous love for our Center and all of the people in it. Together with our Philosophy we are creating a great Spiritual Center.

We now have a balanced budget, so we are no longer operating from a deficit. In the coming months we will be having community meetings to share our plan for future prosperity and growth, but in the meantime, know that all is well and getting better within the walls of the Center for Spiritual Living Prescott.

Thank you and Blessings to All,

Tom Kimmerle


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