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CSLP Newsletter for August 2024

Clay Smith

Updated: Aug 9, 2024

Hi everybody! If you got here by following an email link, you can also find our newsletter on our website at, and we'll make an announcement on our Facebook page whenever a new edition is available! I welcome your feedback, so please email me at if you have any questions or comments.


Upcoming Classes and Events

Join Laura Urquhart, M.S. for "The Enneagram and Spirituality" to learn how the Enneagram can help unlock your personal path to spiritual awareness. Fridays at 3:30.

Length of Course: 4 weeks

Friday, August 9 - Friday, August 30

Time: 3:30 - 5:30

Come celebrate the installation of our very own Rev. Tracey Harrick on September 28th, 2024 at 4pm! This is a very special ceremony, replete with pomp, circumstance, food, and special guests. All are invited and encouraged to attend.


Minister's Note

Rev. Tracey Harrick

At the Root of It, We Are One

Beloved Community,

Patricia Mitchell states in her book Shouts of Joy: 90 Devotions for the Faithful Heart that our faith and joy are intertwined, fostering a deep connection within ourselves and with others. This profound insight aligns beautifully with the Science of Mind teaching on oneness, emphasizing that our individual spiritual growth is deeply connected to the well-being of our entire community. The author says,

"imagine an iconic autumn scene: a cluster of stately aspen trees with their vibrant yellow leaves shimmering against a clear blue sky. While we may admire each tree individually, beneath the surface, it tells a different story. The entire cluster of aspens shares the same root system. This beautiful natural phenomenon mirrors our spiritual lives: although each of us possesses an individual identity, we share the same life-giving essence, the Divine Creator."

Ernest Holmes, the founder of Science of Mind, reminds us,

"We are all rooted in the One Life. As the One Life moves through everything, it is manifested in many forms. When we see this clearly, we understand the unity of all life."

Just as the aspen trees are interconnected by their roots, we are interconnected through our shared Divine source.

Dr. John Delony shared this:

"When you are isolated and lonely, your brain pays attention to negative stimuli. When you are lonely or consider yourself to be alone, your brain sees pain, suffering, and threats everywhere. The brain thinks you’re on your own, so it overemphasizes potential threats and efforts to keep you safe. If you are lonely, you are probably not seeing the world as it is. Despite the darkness, there is beauty everywhere. Do whatever it takes—do not do life alone! No matter the risk, inconvenience, or cost, find other people to do life with. We are not designed to do life alone. You are worthy of being loved, you are worthy of hanging out with, you are worthy to be at the party. You are worth having people in your corner. You are worth laughing, crying, and cringing together. No matter what it is, find a community to do life with. It changes everything."

In our Center for Spiritual Living Prescott community, we understand that our spiritual health is not just a personal endeavor but a collective one. A soul attempting to cut itself off from its root weakens the entire cluster. Conversely, a soul growing stronger in faith and love fortifies and beautifies the cluster. The spiritual condition of each of us matters to all of us.

Holmes also said,

"Life is a mirror and will reflect back to the thinker what he thinks into it."

Our thoughts, words, and actions—the leaves of our spiritual health—can influence, support, and encourage others. As we flourish, we inspire others to flourish alongside us. Inspired by Patricia Mitchell's Shouts of Joy: 90 Devotions for the Faithful Heart, we are reminded of the power of joyous faith and shared devotion. God did not create us to be spiritual lone trees but to be firmly connected to Him and actively interconnected with one another. Let us embrace this connection, nurturing our roots and those of our community. Together, we can foster good spiritual health, not only for ourselves but for our entire cluster—our family, community, nation, and world.

At CSL Prescott, we are committed to fostering these connections and supporting each other on our spiritual journeys. Let's continue to nourish our roots, grow in faith and love, and shine brightly together, just like those stately aspens against a clear blue sky. Prescott Center for Spiritual Living is a place you can do life with!

With love and blessings,

With heartfelt gratitude and joyous expectancy,

Rev. Tracey Harrick

Sr. Minister and Spiritual Director, CSL Prescott


A Month of Sundays

Our Sunday speakers for August 2024

August 4

Jon Haass, RScP

August 11

Rev. Tracey Harrick

August 18

Rev. Tracey Harrick

August 25

Rev. Tracey Harrick


SOM Magazine Study Group Reading List

  • Aug 6 - “Defy Definitions: Your Divine Powers and Qualities” by Terry Cole Whittaker (page 18)

  • Aug 13- “You Are the Best Thing That Ever Happened to You” by Sally Robbins (page 26)

  • Aug 20 - “We Need You” by Lauren Martin (page 66)

  • Aug 27 - “How To Be Yourself” by Ernest Holmes (page 76)

The SOM Magazine study group meets on Google Meet every Tuesday at 5:30 pm. If you'd like to join the conversation, email



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