Ministry of Prayer
What is a Practitioner?
Centers for Spiritual Living (“CSL”) has a four-year program in which graduates become credentialed and licensed by the CSL to offer spiritual counseling, teach classes, and assist in pulpit duties – hence, they are known as the “healing and teaching arms” of our Centers. Sometimes Practitioners are referred to as spiritual coaches, however, they are much more than that because when one meets with a Practitioner for a session they are not just given guidance and motivation. They are provided a space in which the Practitioner can see and know beyond physical material facts and circumstances to the absolute spiritual Truth. This is the space where divine possibilities become manifest realities. The Practitioner holds this space for their client so that the client is able to access their Highest Wisdom within and use this inner guidance to go forward. Most Practitioners charge a fee for a private session; the fee varies with each Practitioner. However, at CSLPrescott, Practitioners are available after Sunday service for a “3 minute miracle” prayer that is free of charge.
Prayer Request
Children's Association of Awesomeness
Every Sunday beginning at 10:15 - Sign in begins at 9:55
The Children’s Association of Awesomeness offers a safe space of friendliness and acceptance every Sunday in Sibley Hall during the adult service. Those parents who wish to attend the preservice meditation in the sanctuary may sign children in starting at 9:55 AM. The fun begins at 10:15 AM!
Our program is a multi-age learning experience that encourages the participants to work cooperatively and develop leadership skills. Age-appropriate spiritual lessons follow the Centers for Spiritual Living Global Themes. Through story and activities, children learn how to use spiritual tools they can apply to their daily lives. Using the Spiritual Practice of Visioning, the
youth named the program the Children’s Association of Awesomeness and formed our mission statement: We are creating a world of peace and love.

Co-Directors of Youth and Family Ministry

Dr. Erin Smith

Diane Gesell, RScP
Diane Gesell, RScP and Dr. Erin Smith, both career educators, are the Co-Directors of the Youth/Family Ministry Program. Adult teaching assistants are required to be fingerprinted and approved through the Arizona Department of Safety.
We invite you to come learn and grow with us through story and hands-on art and science activities.